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Ciaphas Cain: The Anthology

Ciaphas Cain: The Anthology

Regular price £18.00 GBP
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This collection features the tale of the Valhallan 597th hunting down a warp-tainted infection that threatens to overwhelm the world of Lenotionia, a story from Cain’s early years in which he helped fend off a Tyranid invasion, and much more besides. It’s guaranteed to be the most unquestionably accurate telling of Cain’s exploits. That we know of.

Both of these books will be coming soon, but in the meantime, you can indulge in the adventures of Ciaphas Cain by selecting a tale from the Black Library’s well-stocked shelves. Sign up for the Black Library newsletter to get all the latest news about Warhammer fiction sent directly to your inbox.

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